About Acupuncture...At Awakening Balance Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our healthcare providers practice their field of expertise in a very customized manner with each patient as they are carefully diagnosed and given a specialized treatment plan.
Through full-spectrum Acupuncture and the modalities of TCM, we strive to restore the intricate systems of the body to greater health and balance. Acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world and is used by one third of the world’s population as a primary system for health care. It is estimated that more people have been treated by Chinese medicine throughout history than by any other formalized system of medicine. Because of its relatively low cost and its noninvasive nature, acupuncture has become a highly popular form of complementary health care in the US. The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed acupuncture treatment for over 40 conditions, including pain, stress, digestive disorders, depression, allergies, sleeping disorders, addictions, headaches and menstrual disorders. This modality of treatment is based on "vital life energy" called, qi (chee), which flows in meridians throughout the body. When qi is deficient or impeded, imbalances occur in the body often resulting in pain and illness. By treating the root causes that provoke these imbalances (through the use of acupuncture needles inserted in specific meridian locations of the body), healing energy is rejuvenated. Results are profound. There is no health condition that acupuncture cannot treat. (Conditions Treated) (Our Specialties & Services) WE ACCEPT MOST HEALTH INSURANCES Awakening Balance is a Preferred Provider for many insurance companies that include acupuncture as a benefit. We are in Network. Click here for more information. |
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and painless.