Cosmetic Acupuncture |
Cosmetic acupuncture at Awakening Balance is a natural way to treat the signs and symptoms of aging. This remarkable therapy tones and rejuvenates the skin without invasive chemicals and surgery in order to stimulate the production of the body's own natural collagen. It helps to improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, especially in the face and neck. Bags and sagging around the eyes, face and neck can be significantly reduced and toned through cosmetic acupuncture. Metabolism is greatly improved resulting in reduced puffiness, often to the point of elimination. Healthy facial coloring can be restored and pore size decreased. The effects of cosmetic acupuncture can last for years with regularly scheduled maintenance treatments.
Homeopathic Injectables are available for skin rejuvenation and restructuring. Homeopathic enymes aproach skin wrinkles in four ways: 1) They inhibit the de-structuring of the skin substrates, 2) They increase the synthesis of proteins, 3) they promotes the drainage of toxins, and 4) They reduces age related degeneration. This brings about healthier looking skin with fewer visible wrinkles. Click here for more information on cosmetic acupuncture.
Homeopathic Injectables are available for skin rejuvenation and restructuring. Homeopathic enymes aproach skin wrinkles in four ways: 1) They inhibit the de-structuring of the skin substrates, 2) They increase the synthesis of proteins, 3) they promotes the drainage of toxins, and 4) They reduces age related degeneration. This brings about healthier looking skin with fewer visible wrinkles. Click here for more information on cosmetic acupuncture.
Healthy Anti-Aging Skincare Products
At Awakening Balance, we have created our own all natural, herbal-infused serums to nourish your skin. Our ant-aging serums applied daily nourish and re-balance the skin, thus helping to regain a more youthful appearance.
Click here for more information.
At Awakening Balance, we have created our own all natural, herbal-infused serums to nourish your skin. Our ant-aging serums applied daily nourish and re-balance the skin, thus helping to regain a more youthful appearance.
Click here for more information.